Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What shall we do today?

I should be working on homework... but i dont want to... i want to be at home asleep in my bed, for some reason i am very tired. I think i slept last night. I know I had very little bed and I was sleeping with a little like cover you would use while you were on the couch. I am going to start puxhing people off the bed soon... I need me some sleeping room.

A girl is hosting one of thost passion parties from school this week, I dont know if i have a sitter #1 and #2 I dont know if i can handle all those people right now... I will end up killing someone... I Love those parties thos, I am great at the games, and winning stuff... maybe I will convince AShley to come with me or something... give me some leverage.

I talked to yet another friend i have not talked to in FOREVER, and it was the same thing, like we never skipped a beat. Y do all my good wonderful friends have to live in other cities. Sucky sucks sukerson.

I think i just dropped a carmel chip down my shirt..... CRAP

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