Monday, March 7, 2011

Which are you?

It amazes me how people are. You have people that will only do what other people do, people that do it all, and people that finally realize that those people are only doing what they are doing... why would you want to be a follower... why would you want to give your life to someone else to determine? Not me, I love my life, it may be a little rough but it is still mine. How can people just sit back and wait around for someone else to make the choice for them? I used to be like that, in high school once... then I got tired of it, I got tired of letting someone else tell me what to wear and what to eat, what to say, who to be friends with... that just was not me. So i turned around one day (this is a serious true life situation) and looked this girl in the face and told her "shut up, I will do what I want to do." I remember this night vividly, a famous rapper had been shot, I Was going to a dance at my high school for the first time... WOW what a night, they snubbed me at the dance and we were never the same after that... She was the type that needed to tell someone what to do or her life was not complete. I am sure she is married now and bosses him around too...

Point is: Live live your way, not someone else's. It will be way more exciting in the long run.

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