Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So I noticed today that I have been separated/divorced from my ex for over 3 yrs now.... WOW!  I don't know where the time went. Then I stopped and looked at where my life is now, three years after deciding to make a better life for myself. I am a few steps closer to that, but at the same time still stuck where I do not want to be. So what do I do to change that? I am going to school to get a better education to get a great job, I am trying my hardest to make a better life for my kids. I am not 100% successful at that one. I feel like I am still letting them down, like I could still do better. I don't have a job, so I have no money. I am in a living situation that I hate down to my core, and I am not sure I want to be with the person I am now with. Do I stop here and say ok well I have what I can get for now? I make my own choices in life and I really do not know which ones to make. I wish there was a magic wand that made it all better, I say that a lot. My life's ambitions are not working exactly like I want them to. I am generally happy, but not fully happy. I try to live my life the way I want to but you can't always do that, life is not that kind all the time. Maybe I am just asking for too much too soon. Maybe I should just keep doing what I am doing and keep on truckin... I have my kids, I have my health and I have my music. I can't keep kicking myself in the ass just because I have this cake sitting in front of me and I Want to take a big bite out of it. One day all of my dreams will come true and I am sure then I will not even know what they are in front of me.

Love to all, hope you know where you are and what you want!

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